Financial Aid

Player Financial Assistance


Subject to the limits and conditions set forth below, JACS will provide player financial aid to all players in need of financial assistance. The application is submitted to the JACS Financial Aid Sub-Committee via the JACS website, including proof of need: a written request stating the reason(s) for needing financial help submitted by the player, the player’s parent or guardian, or coach or other officials of the team, and total player costs for the season and the total funds requested is not to exceed  $75.00 per season for a Community Select team player.

JACS will provide up to an annual budgeted amount for such requests and will base all requests upon funds available per season. The application deadline is August 1 for the Fall season and March 1 for the Spring season and any applications received after these dates may be denied.  A maximum of three (3) awards of financial aid will be provided to players on any one (1) team per season.

The Financial Aid Sub-Committee will have the authority to waive the maximum number of allotments per team as they see fit.  No player will receive financial aid for both a JACS team and a premier club.

All players receiving financial assistance through JACS are expected to provide  5 hours of volunteer service to a JACS sponsored event.  They must also apply for aid thru the league their team is playing in either CASL or WSSL.


The deadline for Spring is March 1.


The deadline for Fall is August 1.


League Affiliation
Player Full Name
Parent Full Name
Player DOB
Open the calendar popup.
Parent Email Address
Players Team Name
Parent Phone Number
Requestors Name
Person requesting aid on behalf of player
Coaches Full Name
Requested Amount
Amount can total $75 per season
Season of Request
All Parties Agree
All Parties agree to be contacted using this info
Terms and Conditions
All parties agree to the terms and conditions set forth in Financial Aid

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